Chisholm Township Broadband Improvement

If you are on a limited broadband connection, please visit the low-bandwidth version of this page here.   On January 20th, 2021 it was announced that Spectrum Group (NetSpectrum) would be building two Internet towers in the Township of Chisholm, improving coverage and internet speeds in the area. Coverage is estimated and may be subject…

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Published: January 18, 2021 and original media release can be found here: MULTI-TOWER WIRELESS ACCESS APPROACH WILL BRING HIGH-PERFORMANCE INTERNET TO AHMIC HARBOUR AND AHMIC LAKE AREA CENGN is announcing the launch of an innovative project that will bring high-performance broadband access to the village of Ahmic Harbour and the Ahmic Lake Area within the…

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Universal Broadband Fund–supported project will bring high-speed Internet to the Wahnapitae First Nation in Greater Sudbury

News release: Indigenous people and rural Ontarians to benefit from increased connectivity January 21, 2021 – Ottawa, Ontario (originally news release) The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how much we rely on our connections. Now more than ever, Canadians across the country need access to reliable high-speed Internet as many of us are working, learning and…

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Chisholm Council and staff are pleased to announce that Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation (Blue Sky Net) is receiving $267,473 from the Ministry of Infrastructure to erect two new internet towers within the Township of Chisholm

“For the many years that we have worked to expand Broadband in Northern Ontario, we have looked to the Province for help. This project is no different and with the support of the municipality and the Province, at a time where access to Broadband has never been more needed, we are grateful once again for…

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ICT Partnerships to Connect Northern Ontario Businesses to Global Opportunities

ICT Partnerships to Connect Northern Ontario Businesses to Global Opportunities Originally posted on October 15, 2020: Relationships with Private Sector are Key Blue Sky‘s Project Manager Jeff Buell visits an Internet Service Provider to talk about expansion.Susan Church, Executive Director Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation Northern Ontario’s Information and Communication Technology Networks (ICTNs) recognize…

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Municipality of East Ferris Hosts Meeting of Regional Mayors and Chief Administrative Officers to Call for United Front in Seeking Improved Internet Service

Municipality of East Ferris Media Release                                                                                                                                                             September 10, 2020                                                                                              East Ferris, ON Municipality of East Ferris Hosts Meeting of Regional Mayors and Chief Administrative Officers to Call for United Front in Seeking Improved Internet Service The Municipality of East Ferris welcomed the Chief of Antoine First Nations and the Mayors and Chief Administrative…

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Report highlights need to speed up Northern internet access

Article originally posted on Northern Ontario Business June 29, 2020 A new report on the state of broadband internet service illustrates what most Northern Ontarians already know through experience: if you live in a remote, rural or underserviced area of the region, your internet is slow. The Speed of Northern Ontario Broadband, released on June 10…

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The Speed of Northern Ontario Broadband Report report

MEDIA RELEASE Blue Sky Net releases “The Speed of Northern Ontario Broadband” Report For immediate Release North Bay, Ontario – June 10, 2020, Many residents throughout rural Canada have limited access to affordable high-speed internet. It has never been so evident as during the COVID- 19 crisis. This is mainly because the investment needed to…

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Computer Education – Advanced

The following topics will create awareness of the vast opportunities the internet has to offer and allow users to get the most out of the web experience. As highspeed internet becomes more readily available, users can benefit from applications that go beyond basic email and website searching. You can download the manual here.

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Computer Education – Basic

New to computing or want a refresher on some of the basics? The “Computer Education – Basic” Manual will provide you with a guide on some of the essentials to computer use. You can download the manual here.

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