Website Fundamentals – The Basics of What You Need

Responsive Website Design

For quite some time now, mobile devices such as phones or tablets have increasingly become the preferred way to go online and visit websites. In fact, 48% of Canadians access the internet using mobile devices and 46% have used their phone to make an online purchase.

Many websites however, still exist which are designed for laptops and desktop computers. Why is this an issue? Well, if websites are designed for large screen surfaces like a laptop, when you view them on your mobile phone, you may find it difficult to navigate the website. Chances are, if people have a hard time navigating your website, they’re likely to move on to another website which is easier to use.

To prevent this issue and to provide a welcoming website experience for those visiting your website on mobile devices, your website should have responsive web design.

A website which is created with responsive web design will automatically be optimized and scale to the size of the screen the viewer is using. This ensures that your website will look great and be easier to use whether someone is using a phone device or even viewing it on a television screen.

Content Management System

A Content Management System (CMS) is the behind-the-scenes area of your website. When you or your IT professional logs into your website to make changes, that is your CMS at work.

Why is a CMS a fundamental part of your website?

One reason is that It makes it easier for you to log in and make changes to your website. A CMS allows you to make changes without you needing to know a programming language. This allows you to save time and money in making small-to-moderate changes to your website.

Depending on which CMS is chosen, there are various features which can be included or added, such as Search Engine Optimization tools, website search capabilities or blogging functions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


SEO, although potentially complex once you dig into it, can simply be explained as everything which is involved in improving your website’s search engine result ranking.

There are many strategies and tools employed to improve your website’s ranking, some of which are relatively simple and easy while others require a more in-depth understanding of marketing and coding. If your website is not set up for the SEO tools and be implemented, you’ll have a difficult time getting your website noticed.

Website SEO requires a combination of research and technical know-how and during the website development process, client and developer should be working together to provide a blend of content which will best represent your business online and attract the customers you want.

Examples of website SEO:

  • Meta-tags
  • Keyword research
  • Website content
  • Building links

Website Analytics

Website analytics come sometimes be an overlooked feature of a website, however it’s an important tool in continuing the growth of your website and business’ success.

Website analytics allows you to better understand your potential clients. You can learn about where they’re from, how they’re finding you and what they find valuable on your website.

This kind of knowledge and research lets you adjust your website or real-world marketing strategy to better reflect and attract your existing and potential customers.