
Facebook for Business: How to Create a Facebook Page

Facebook for Business: How to Create a Facebook Page

In this education module, you will learn the basics of creating a Facebook Page for your business and learn the basics of the Facebook Page layout.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module, you will have successfully created a Facebook Page for your business and have an overview of the basic elements of a Facebook Page. This module will help you to prepare for using Facebook as a business and prepare you for your next steps on marketing your business on Facebook.


The Facebook for Business: Creating a Facebook Page education module is as well available for offline viewing, please feel free to download a PDF copy of the education module:

Download Module PDF


Additional reading:


      • Social Media Use in Canada, 2017
        • “Social media in Canada has reached a point of saturation, according to the latest data from Pollara.  Virtually all Canadians who are online use at least one social media network (91%), primarily Facebook (76%). The majority (60%) access social media using their smartphone or tablet, while 35% use a computer or laptop. 63% follow companies, brands or product pages.” – Read More