We all need to be connected. However, access to the services that allow us to connect can be tough to find when you live in Northern Ontario. The open spaces and the rugged beauty that draw us and keep us here can also create obstacles.
Since 2012 Blue Sky Net, a non-profit technology development corporation funded by FedNor, has collected coverage and speed information to map all of the Broadband (Internet) service availability in Northern Ontario.
This information has been developed into this public portal to present a clear picture of service availability directly to consumers at the property/address level. This is important for businesses investigating service options and residents looking for providers or availability. This is also important for communities, economic developers, organizations and researchers who are looking for broadband infrastructure information.
The primary functions of Blue Sky Net and other ICTN’s (Information Communication Technology Networks) across the North, are to enhance broadband access to unserved/underserved areas, develop and implement ICT applications and to offer training, education and awareness of technology to residents and businesses alike.
This website is a chance to not only seek information about Broadband coverage in your area, but to share your experiences, learn more about broadband technology in your area and to help provide information that will ultimately serve to expand service in your region.
The Ontario Internet Access Map has been developed by Blue Sky Net as a publicly accessible interactive GIS map detailing access to broadband levels throughout Ontario communities right down to the neighbourhood you live in.
Community leaders, health care professionals, individuals interested in service alternatives and internet service providers are encouraged to take advantage of the map’s information for their own research and understanding of access throughout Ontario.
learn more about the Ontario Internet Access Map
Connectednorth.ca has partnered with CIRA’s Internet Performance Test, to collect the most detailed information relating to Northern Ontario’s internet speeds. We use the information about speeds at your property to show the need and the impact improved Broadband Infrastructure will have. This helps in supporting applications to funding agencies, it helps show a business case for ISP’s to develop their networks and sometimes it can point out that there are networks issues that can be repaired.
If you have any questions about the speed test please visit CIRA’s “How the Internet Performance Test Works” page.
Also, while you’re here, take our internet access survey to let us know more about the quality of your network.
If you would like to report a location without internet access, please click here. Follow the link at the top of the page to the left of the “Start” button. From an internet connected device you will be able to locate the area with no internet connectivity.
The Blue Sky Net/connectednorth.ca team is committed to providing tools and resources for private and community stakeholders. Use this website to learn about broadband services in Northern Ontario and feel free to make it a part of your plan for better broadband advocacy in Northern Ontario.